Become a WPG Affiliate
Link to WPG and earn referral fees (5% on Sales) !
Put this Affiliate link
* XX - Replace this with your Affiliate Number.
You can also link a single product as an affiliate:
* YYYY - Replace this product ID which you can find easily when you on any product description page, for example
Do you have a Web site? If so, you can earn cash towards purchases at WPG by joining the our affiliate program.
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ):
Who can participate?
Anyone who has a Web site with content that complies with our affiliate agreement.
I have a blog. Can I participate too?
Yes. Our links can be tracked from any URL, but you should consult the terms of service for your blog, journal, or other personal page prior to posting links from our affiliate program.
Does it cost anything?
How does the WPG affiliate program work?
Our affiliate program makes it easy for you to earn a commission. You need to put a banner/ or link as mentioned above on your website redirecting to us. Once a visitor place an order, your commission is recorded and transferred to your Affiliation account once order is processed. Please note commission is only applicable when order(s) is (are) processed.
How do I get Paid?
You get paid once per month provided your commission is over US$ 100. We pay directly into your PayPal account or cheque (in US only). We can also offer your commission in terms of Gift Certificate to purchase some stuff on our website. This Gift Certificate is issued with extra 10% benefit, for instance your earned commission is US$ 100, you will get US$ 110 Gift Certificate. Affiliates with no orders will not receive a statement.
Do you send us Affiliation statement every month?
Unfortunately not, you need to login to your account to check your earnings and if it is over US$ 100, just let us know to send your payment.
How much money can I make?
The more links to our site, the more likely a sale will occur. Some affiliates are earning hundreds of dollars per month already! So don't wait, sign up now!